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Where The Wine Takes You Podcast Episode 53: Drive Through Paso Robles

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We learned about the book, ‘Drive Through Paso Robles’ at Blend Fest, and since meeting Paul and Naushad then, We couldn’t wait to get them on the show.

‘Drive Through Paso Robles’ is a resource book, and it’s a must for learning more about the area in an approachable way much like this show.

A little on both the men behind the book: Paul Hodgins earned a doctorate in music from the University of Southern California and was a professor of dance at UC Irvine before switching careers to journalism, where his arts reviews and wine writing have won several awards and honors. Paul’s book, The Winemakers of Paso Robles, was published in 2017.

Chicago native residing in California. Naushad’s daytime is spent as a Director of Strategy for Wunderman Thompson, the largest creative agency on the planet where he works with global technology & consumer brands. At night he’s the founder of I Like This Grape whose mission is to make wine relatable to millennial audiences through unique wine events & publishing the Drive Through series of books

We’re also joined by one of the winemakers the book spotlights, Steve Peck. Steve is the VP of Winemaking at J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines & Wines where they also sell the book in the tasting room. Steve is entrenched deep and active in the community, a brilliant winemaker, and great at conversation so everyone had questions for him.