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Spring Wreath Craft

DIY Projects Seasonal

Spring Wreath

Looking for a fun and festive way to welcome spring into your home? Look no further than this DIY bunny wreath! With just a few simple supplies and a little creativity, you can create a charming and whimsical decoration that's perfect for Easter and beyond. So grab your glue gun and let's get crafting!


  • Wire wreath form (we used the bunny shape)
  • Microfiber cleaning cloth in white (we found ours in the automotive section at our local discount store)
  • Hot glue gun
  • Felt carrots & bunny (optional)


  1. Start by cutting your fabric into sections to overlay on top of the wire form. You’ll need at least 3 sections, two for the ears and one for the base.
  2. Use your hot glue gun to adhere the fabric over the wire frame. Once you’ve got the base covered entirely, begin attaching any additional items to your wreath.
  3. Next, tie a piece of ribbon around the top of the wreath form to create a hanger. Make sure it is securely attached and the wreath is balanced before hanging it up.
  4. Finally, step back, pour yourself a glass of your favorite J. Lohr wine, and admire your handiwork!